Joseph Harisson

Joseph Harisson

2 years ago
Last visit:
10 days ago



Joseph Harisson is a seasoned IT expert with a diverse background in technology. He started his career as a software developer before transitioning to a role as a system administrator, where he gained extensive experience in network support, cybersecurity, and cloud technologies. Joseph Harisson has worked with multiple managed IT service providers (MSPs) and has contributed his knowledge and insights through articles published on reputable websites. He is a proud member of the National Society of IT Service Providers and the Information Systems Security Association, further solidifying his commitment to the industry and expertise in the field. Joseph's extensive experience, industry involvement, and contributions make him a credible and knowledgeable voice in the world of IT. Joseph Harisson is also the author of the book «Top 25 IT KPI Metrics You Should Be Tracking As a Business Owner», lending his expertise on key performance indicators for IT management.

Job Title:
Co-Founder of IT Companies Network
Areas of expertise:
  • Cloud
  • Cyber Security
  • Software Development
  • Networks

Joseph Harisson Updates Feed

Joseph Harisson 7 months ago #

I am pleased to share that my comments on the recent 23andMe data breach have been featured in an insightful article on MDLinx. This breach highlights critical issues in health data privacy and the need for robust security measures. In the article, I discuss the potential risks of such breaches, including the likelihood of health data being exploited by third parties. Eager to engage in further discussions on safeguarding health data in our digital world.

Joseph Harisson 8 months ago #

I'm thrilled to share my latest feature in a Moonlock article, where I contributed insights on the rising trend of stealer attacks in 2023. In the discussion, I emphasized the ease of developing and deploying infostealers, making them accessible to a broader range of criminals. Additionally, I highlighted the use of sophisticated techniques like polymorphic code, encryption, and exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities by bad actors to keep their malware undetected. It's a fascinating and vital topic in today's digital landscape, and I'm glad to shed light on these critical cybersecurity issues.

Joseph Harisson 8 months ago #

As CEO of IT Companies Network, I was recently featured in a TechTarget article discussing cybersecurity budget trends. In the article, I highlighted the clear trend of increased cybersecurity investment among businesses, driven by factors like sophisticated cyberthreats, expanding attack surfaces, rising regulatory scrutiny, and board-level recognition of cybersecurity's importance. This reflects our commitment at IT Companies Network to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and challenges in the cybersecurity landscape.

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