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Modern Marketing Tactics for IT Companies: A Strategic Blueprint to Nail More Clients

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Welcome to our newly updated 2023 edition of «Tech Marketing Strategies». In an industry as rapidly evolving as technology, staying ahead of the curve in your marketing efforts is not just beneficial, but necessary. This guide has been meticulously updated to reflect the most relevant trends, strategies, and insights for the year 2023.

It's so easy for IT companies to go deep into their ever exciting techy world, but forget about marketing. While it's fun to churn out the cool features and new products or services, you must never forget that even for the very best of products, selling or not selling will always come down to marketing. Many tech companies suffer in an ironical world of game changing products that potential customers might never hear about. You can change this for your company.

This blueprint is dedicated to IT companies that want to get marketing right. After all, you have what it takes to whip out a killer product. But that killer product is one half of the game. Marketing is the other half. Let’s now sort out this other half.

Why Marketing is Essential for IT Companies (A Good Strategy Makes the Difference)

Many tech entrepreneurs have this mistaken belief that all the global tech giants like Google and Microsoft do is to develop amazing products and let  word of mouth do the rest. Far from it. In fact these companies take marketing so seriously you will be shocked. And so should you.  

When it comes to IT companies, the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” definitely doesn’t apply. Marketing is essential in the tech industry and here are the top 5 reasons why: 

You stand out from the crowd

In a field as crowded as IT, it’s essential to find ways to set your company apart from the rest. And that’s where marketing comes in. Through a well-executed marketing strategy, you can make your tech company’s unique selling points known to the world. You can also use marketing to build a strong brand identity that will make your company stand out from the competition.

One approach you can exploit to stand out from the crowd is building a section in your website that serves as a hub of valuable resources. Make it so helpful that potential customers will not find such a resource anywhere amongst your competitors. 

IT Marketing attracts new clients

By creating a strong marketing strategy, IT companies can reach new audiences and generate more leads. This is driven by the understanding that consistent marketing allows your IT company to stay top of mind of potential customers, increasing chances of winning them. 

Second, marketing helps build relationships with current clients. The more you engage them, the more they bond with your brand. This bond gets to a level where the clients feel part of your company. It’s at this point that they are more likely to recommend your services even without you requesting favors.  

Third, marketing strengthens brand identity, which potential customers often give a lot of prominence to. A clear, consistent brand identity helps audiences relate your company with certain products or services offered — setting the stage to win them over as clients. 

Fourth, marketing generates sales leads. By targeting the right customers and using effective marketing tactics, IT companies can generate new leads that convert to sales. 

IT Marketing enables you to target your ideal clientele

It's important to target the right people from the get-go. Marketing helps you get this done by  identifying your ideal customer and craft messaging that resonates with them. By understanding your buyer persona, you can better target your content and outreach activities. 

You can even tailor your products and services to better meet their needs. With the right marketing strategy in place, you can reach more of the right people and convert them into customers—which is what every business desires! 

IT Marketing increases your revenue

Revenue is the lifeblood of any business and marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase it. Each marketing effort bolsters your market share, which the Harvard Business Review singles out as a key determinant of profitability.

With effective IT marketing, you're not only increasing brand awareness but also introducing potential customers to your products and services. And when they become familiar with what you offer, they're more likely to do business with you. 

A good IT marketing strategy makes the difference

A good IT marketing strategy makes the difference between a successful tech business and one that struggles to find its footing. Marketing for IT companies is the process of creating and delivering messages that promote and sell products or services. Call it marketing to IT professionals who make decisions.

There are countless examples of businesses that have thrived thanks to a strong marketing strategy, and many more that have languished due to a lack thereof. It can make all the difference in the world, so if you're looking to give your tech business a boost, be sure to invest in a solid marketing plan. 

6 Steps to Create Targeted Marketing Strategies for IT Companies

With so much competition, customers might never know that you exist. Yet your product or service could as well beat all that exist in your niche. it 

Use these five essential steps to help you to create a targeted IT company marketing strategy that will work for your business, whether you are a software developer, MSP, or cybersecurity company . 

1. Define your audience

The first step in creating any marketing strategy is to define your target audience. Without knowing who your ideal customer is, you'll have a difficult time creating messaging that resonates with them. 

Think about what type of customer you're trying to reach. Are you selling a B2B product or a consumer-facing one? Do you want to reach early adopters or those who are more skeptical of new technologies? 

Once you've nailed down your target customer, you can start developing messaging that resonates with them. 

2. Conduct market research

Market research allows you to develop a deep understanding of your target market, including their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Who are they? What are their needs? What are their wants and desires? 

This information will help you create better content, design smarter marketing campaigns, and even refine your products and services to better meet the needs of your target audience. 

3. Set objectives and goals

It's important to set attainable objectives and goals for your marketing strategy. This will help you stay focused and on track as you execute your plan. 

Once your objectives are in place, you can begin to implement your strategy. 

4. Choose the right marketing channels

Think about  which channels might be most effective in your niche. In general, there are three types of channels: Owned, Paid and Earned. 

Owned channels are those that you create and control, such as your website or social media platforms. Paid channels are those that you purchase, such as advertising space or digital marketing services. Earned channels are those that are created by others, such as positive online reviews or word-of-mouth marketing. 

Not all channels are right for every company, so it's important to select the right ones for your business. Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to start creating content and building relationships with your target audience! 

5. Deploy SEO/Content marketing

Traffic is the oil that powers the marketing machine, whether online or offline. The more people visit your marketing channels, the more potential customers you have and the more likely you are to make a sale. There are many different ways to do this, but two of the most valuable are SEO and content marketing. 

SEO is the process of optimizing your online channels such as websites so they rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), while content marketing is the creation and distribution of content that attracts and engages your target audience. Both SEO and content marketing can be used to drive traffic on different levels of the sales funnel: top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel. 

Use intense SEO for IT/Tech companies to drive traffic to the top of the funnel, where your potential customers are just starting their research. Follow with smart content marketing to nurture those leads all the way to the bottom of the funnel, where they’re ready to buy.

Here is how you can utilize SEO and content marketing in tandem to drive traffic on different levels of the sales funnel.

Top of the funnel

At this stage, you want to capture the attention of potential customers and introduce them to your product or service. Use valuable blog posts, social media posts, reports, videos, and white papers. Remember that your content should be keyword-rich (SEO) and informative enough to provide valuable insights that help your readers solve their problems. 

Middle of the sales funnel

This is when potential customers are starting to become more interested in your product or service, but might not be ready to buy just yet. Focus on building relationships to earn their ultimate trust.  Utilize tailored FAQ pages, webinars, and even email surveys to test and group the interest levels. 

Bottom of the  funnel

This is where the leads are ready to convert. Deploy targeted promotional campaigns supported by exceptional content, reviews, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), testimonials, discounts and coupons.  

6. Measure and track results

It's important to track the results of your IT services marketing efforts so you can determine what's working and what's not. This will help you to refine your strategy and make sure your dollars are being well-spent. 

Use a tool like Google Analytics to track website visits, social media engagement, email opens, clicks, and more. By measuring and tracking your results, you'll be able to see which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and conversions, and you can focus your efforts there. 

Killer Marketing Tactics for Tech Companies Across Different Categories: Cybersecurity, MSP and Software Marketing

Cybersecurity, MSP and software are some of the top categories in the IT industry right now. And while marketing tactics remain close, there are slight changes in tactics as you move from one category to the next.

So what are the effective tactics you can implement to market your Cybersecurity, MSP or software company?

Let’s find out.  

Cybersecurity marketing

As cybersecurity threats continue to increase, so does the demand for innovative, effective cybersecurity solutions. 

If you're a cybersecurity company looking for an edge on the competition, use these tactics. 

1. Create a brand identity

Cybersecurity is a relatively young but vibrant niche. So your brand identity should be clear, concise, and be reflected in everything you do. 

From your logo to your website to your social media presence, make sure that your branding is consistent and professional. 

2. Foster thought leadership

Thought leadership is key in the cybersecurity industry. Potential clients will take you seriously if you are able to provide thought-provoking insights and ideas on the latest security threats plus solutions. 

By establishing your company as a thought leader, you can gain a loyal following of potential clients whom you will eventually convert. Thought leadership will also help your cybersecurity company to stand out from the competition as a leader in the field. 

3. Invest in paid media

Paid media is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. By placing ads in the right places, you can expose your cybersecurity company to a large number of potential customers. It's important to partner with a reputable IT marketing agency that understands your target market and can create effective campaigns that will generate leads. 

Paid media can also include sponsorships, which can be a great way to get your company in front of a relevant audience. 

Software marketing

When it comes to software marketing, developers often find themselves in a difficult position. They may be experts in coding and creating software, but that doesn’t always equate to marketing prowess. And in a world where businesses are increasingly looking for custom-made software solutions, it’s more important than ever to master software marketing techniques.

Here are top software marketing ideas to effectively reach your target market whether you are looking at enterprise software marketing or b2b software marketing. 

1. Nurture a persona

The best thing you can do for your software marketing is to build a persona. It’s all about making sure your name is synonymous with quality. When people think of software developers, you want them to think of your company. 

You don't need to have a huge social media following or be a world-renowned expert to build a persona--you simply need to be known for being good at what you do. There are many ways to do this, but some of the most popular methods include blogging and networking. 

2. Get involved in communities

There are a lot of ways to do this, but one of the best is to speak at user groups, code camps, and other events. This gets you in front of your target audience and allows you to share your knowledge. 

Speaking in particular is a great way to reach a large audience with your message. You can speak to attendees about your development process, how you solved certain challenges, or even about the future of the industry. It's also a great opportunity to network with other professionals in your field. 

When you're ready to start marketing yourself as a speaker, start by identifying upcoming events and send in proposals. Be sure to personalize each proposal and showcase why you'd be the perfect speaker for that event. Keep your bio and presentation slides up-to-date, and always follow up after the talk to thank organizers and participants. 

You can also share your expertise on forums, social media, platforms like Quora and in blog comments. When you give back to a community, you become known as an expert. People will start coming to you for advice and business will follow. 

3. Develop a niche

Software development is already crowded and while it's important to be well-rounded, it's also crucial to develop a niche. This will help you focus your software and target your ideal clients. Additionally, many clients now prefer to work with software companies that specialize in a niche as opposed to all-round developers. 

For example, if you're a software company that specializes in creating custom software for dentists, then you'll want to make sure your website and content are dentist-focused. You can even go a step further and develop case studies and testimonials specifically from dentists who have used your software. Doing this will help build trust and differentiate you from other developers in the market. 

4. Make videos

One great marketing for software companies is to make videos. This can be anything from a screencast of you demoing your software to an explainer video on how your development process works. 

Videos are a great way to show off your skills and explain what you can do for potential clients. You can post them on your website, blog, or social media accounts. 

MSP lead generation tactics

The managed service provider (MSP) industry is one of the most competitive and fast-paced industries around. Technology is always evolving, and new players are constantly entering the market. 

Lead generation is the other name of this game and if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to explore the creative route. 

Traditional MSP lead generation tactics no longer work

What worked yesterday may no longer be effective today. So, what's changed? There are now more MSPs in the marketplace, making it harder for companies to stand out.

Furthermore, potential customers are becoming savvier and more discerning- they know what they want and aren't as easily impressed by bells and whistles. In this environment, it's more important than ever for MSPs to employ creative lead generation tactics that differentiate them from the competition. 

Interested in getting more clients for your IT company?

Here are such tactics that are worth trying: 

1. Create a unique selling proposition

What makes your MSP company different from all of the others? Why should someone do business with you instead of them? When you can answer these questions, you can create a USP that will set you apart from the competition. 

Your USP doesn't have to be groundbreaking or revolutionary; it just has to be something that makes you stand out. For example, maybe you offer 24/7 customer support, or maybe you're the only MSP that offers a particular service. Whatever it is, find a way to make it work for you and be relentless. 

2. Generate referrals

One of the best (and most overlooked) ways to generate more MSP leads is to simply ask for referrals from your current clients. This is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal, so start by compiling a list of current and past clients who have been happy with your services. 

Then, reach out and ask them if they know anyone who's in need of MSP services. You could also offer a small incentive for referrals, like a discount on their next service bill. With a little effort, you can easily start building a pipeline of qualified leads through referrals! 

3. Attend trade shows and industry events

Trade shows and industry events are a great way to connect with potential customers face-to-face. You can meet new leads, build relationships with current customers and partners, and learn about the latest industry trends.

It's also a great opportunity to network with other MSP businesses in your field. Attending these events can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it in the long run. You'll get out what you put in, so make sure to actively participate and give potential customers a good reason to contact you. 

How to Convert Leads Into Paying Clients

More prospects are clicking on your offers or filling out your lead forms, but many of them still aren’t becoming paying clients. What’s the problem? Chances are your lead capture process is missing some essential steps. 

Here are the key steps you can implement immediately and start turning those leads into paying clients.

1. Identify your ideal client

The first step in converting leads into paying clients is identifying your ideal customer. Once you know who you're targeting, you can better tailor your marketing and sales efforts to attract these individuals. It's also important to understand what drives your ideal customer so you can cater to their needs and wants. 

2. Qualify your leads

Not all leads are created equal. In order to maximize your conversion rate, you need to first qualify your leads. This means that you need to determine which leads are the most likely to turn into paying customers. 

You can do this by asking qualifying questions, such as: What is your budget? What is the timeline for implementation? What are your primary needs? Only after you've qualified a lead should you move on to the next step in the sales process. 

3. Establish trust and credibility

One of the best ways to establish trust and credibility with potential leads is to be transparent about your company and what you offer. Be clear about your company's history, values, and goals, and make sure your website and marketing materials are accurate and up-to-date. 

You should also be active on social media and engaged with your community. When potential customers can see that you're a legitimate IT business with a good reputation, they're more likely to do business with you. 

4. Research your competition

Before you put in all that effort to convert leads, it's important to do your homework and research your competition. What are they doing that's working well? What are the gaps and how can you exploit them? What's their pricing strategy? How do they communicate with clients? 

All of this information will help you create a strategy that's tailored specifically for your business. It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone is going to be a good fit for your company—you want to focus on attracting the right prospects, not just any leads. Doing your research will help you target the right people from the start.

IT Marketing ROI: Does it Matter?

So you’ve been spending money on IT marketing strategies but you’re not sure whether or not it’s been worth it. The return on investment, or ROI, of marketing is an important measure of the monetary value of the increase in sales that is attributable to a marketing campaign. In other words, it's a way to quantify how much revenue your marketing efforts generate — and yes, marketing ROI matters a lot. 

It can be difficult to track all of the different ways that marketing impacts your IT business, but it’s definitely worth trying to do so. 

How to calculate the ROI IT companies marketing strategies

The simplest way to calculate the ROI is to divide the net profit generated by the marketing campaign by the total cost of the campaign. So, if your marketing campaign generated a net profit of $1,000 and your total cost was $500, your ROI would be 200%. 

While this sounds easy, coming up with the actual figures to feed into the marketing ROI formula can be tricky. After all, how do you quantify the value of a new software customer? Or the impact of a comment in a cybersecurity forum? 

First, you need to identify your goals for marketing. What are you trying to achieve? Once you have defined your goals, you can begin to measure how well your marketing is performing against them. For example, if one of your goals is to increase website traffic to particular IT products, you can track how many new visitors that product page is getting each month. By comparing this number against your marketing budget, you can calculate the ROI of your marketing efforts. 

What’s the importance of measuring the ROI of your technology marketing?

By measuring the ROI of your marketing be it b2b technology marketing or tech lead generation, you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your investment. You'll be able to track and quantify your successes, as well as identify areas that could use improvement. 

This information will help you make more strategic decisions about where to allocate your resources in the future. Ultimately, measuring the ROI of your marketing is essential to optimizing your campaigns and improving your bottom line. 

How to use ROI of marketing to improve strategy

If you find that a particular marketing campaign is not resulting in a good return on investment, you can either tweak the campaign or eliminate it altogether. Conversely, if you discover a campaign that is performing well, you can invest more money into it and see even better results. 

You can also use the ROI data to determine where to allocate your resources for future campaigns. For example, if you find that most of your conversions come from content marketing, you might want to invest more money here. By measuring the ROI of your marketing efforts, you can make smarter, more profitable decisions. 

The Costly Marketing Mistakes Tech Companies Are Making (And How to Avoid Them)

Marketing is a necessary and important part of your IT business, but it can be costly if not done correctly. Unfortunately, many tech companies are making the same costly mistakes. 

These are the 5 most common mistakes; please avoid them. 

1. Not defining the target audience

You can't create a marketing strategy without knowing who you're trying to reach. You need to know their age, sex, income, education level, interests and even where they live. 

Attempting to appeal to everyone is a recipe for failure. Instead, focus on identifying your core customer and create a strategy that speaks to them. 

2. Lack of market research

A lot of tech companies make the mistake of not doing their homework. They dive headfirst into marketing efforts without doing any research on their audience or the competition. This is a costly mistake that can quickly sap resources and wind up costing you customers. 

Before you do anything, take the time to understand the market and figure out what is missing. What is the competition doing and how can you differentiate yourself from them? Do your research and develop a smart marketing strategy that will reach your target audience. 

3. Not creating compelling content

With so much noise in the marketplace, many IT companies are failing to create content that stands out and engages the target audience. Turn things around by crafting content that is interesting, relevant and useful to your audience. 

For tech companies, it's especially important to focus on thought-leadership content. This is content that educates and informs your audience, helping you to build trust and establish yourself as a credible source of information. 

Don't stop at great content. Go further and make sure that your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. If potential customers can't find the information they're looking for, they'll quickly move on to your competitor. Sloppy design, outdated information and a lack of engagement will all hurt your company's image and cause you to lose potential customers. 

4. Over-reliance on marketing automation

While marketing automation is an amazing tool and tech companies are good at this, it can also be dangerous if it's overused. Because it's so powerful, it's easy to become reliant on it and forget about the importance of human interaction. 

Automation can help you cover some great milestones, track and measure your marketing efforts, but it can't replace the personal connection that's so essential in the tech world. 

Don't let your company become known as the «robots» or the «marketing automatons.» Keep your human touch alive by interacting with customers on a personal level and remembering that marketing is all about relationships. 

5. Not utilizing influencers

One tactic that has been shown to be successful is working with social media influencers, yet many tech companies are not exploiting this channel. Influencers are individuals with a large following who are trusted by their followers. They can help promote your brand and products to a wide audience, and their endorsement can be very valuable. 

When selecting an influencer, it's important to choose someone who is a good match for your company and products. They should be authentic and have values that align with your own. You can also partner with groups or organizations that have similar interests to yours. This will help you reach a wider audience and build relationships with potential customers. 

6. Not using IT marketing firms

Many tech companies assume that they can handle their entire marketing all by themselves. This is a costly mistake that has killed many amazing IT businesses. While you can do certain things so well, it’s important to let those specialized in marketing handle the critical marketing functions. 

IT marketing companies have solid experience built over the years that comes with the benefit of working with diverse companies. They have been right there in the thick of things, equipped with tricks to unlock opportunities where you probably see none. Get a good IT marketing agency and notice the difference. 

7. Not measuring ROI

Without data to back it up, it's hard to justify spending money on marketing initiatives, not even a simple marketing strategy of IT company. 

Track your website traffic, leads generated, conversion rates and other key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and make necessary adjustments. 

ROI calculation is simple too—just divide your profits by your marketing costs and you'll have your ROI percentage. Don't forget to use this number as a benchmark for future marketing decisions! 

IT Marketing: Conclusion

The old tactics you may have used in the past may no longer work. That's why it's important to explore new tactics that actually work. The goal is to reach more people, attract new clients, and increase your revenue. A good marketing strategy can make the difference between a successful IT company and one that struggles to make a profit. 

Start by understanding your audience and market, setting achievable objectives and goals, and then selecting the most effective marketing channels for reaching your target market.

As you do this, bear in mind that measuring and tracking the results of your marketing efforts will give you valuable gems of insights. Put these insights into good use and fine-tune your strategy to achieve even better outcomes.  

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