SM Innovations

Salesforce Partners + App Engineers + AWS Cloud
$50 - $99
10 - 49
2018 year
United States

Salesforce Partners + App Engineers + AWS Cloud

Founded by former IBMx employees, our mission is to make a profound impact by improving our client's performance. We're a full-service software consulting firm that brings original ideas from conception to completion. Our key to success is based in our engineering and design teams, fielding some of the most talented young developers and creative staff in the world, with experience and degrees from top technology and management consultant firms. Every project we undertake is staffed by a dedicated, vertically integrated team specialized to meet the unique demands of each endeavor. Ultimately, we are driven by the philosophy that strong technology changes lives in meaningful ways, and it is our goal that each one of our projects advances this cause. We are dedicated to constantly pushing our clients agendas and their success forward, always questioning the limits of what an app can achieve. SM Innovations is a partner, AWS Consulting Network Partners.


California, Santa Monica, 520 Broadway, 90401
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