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Why It's Time to Move Your Infrastructure to The Cloud

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The Call of Cloud Computing and Services

Orchestrating and executing a major platform shift can be daunting for businesses, especially with today’s reliance on IT systems firing on all cylinders in order for a company to be at its peak effectiveness. And while major IT moves aren’t always (read: almost never are) easy, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. In this case, with cloud computing and services at your disposal, the time is right for your company to migrate to the cloud.

Cloud service providers now offer comprehensive cloud platform augments for businesses of all stripes and industries. In fact, the ability for the cloud to help make storing, accessing and parsing through data that much more efficient is one of the major reasons it’s becoming the go-to platform of the future.

While there are a great many reasons why a company would want to migrate its infrastructure to the cloud, in this piece, we’ll take a look at three ways that cloud computing and services can help your business.

Cloud Services Companies Offer a Competitive Advantage

First and foremost, you don’t want to be left behind in the technological arms race. Which is to say that if your competitors are getting a leg up, you’ll want to – at the very least – match them.

As evidenced by a RightScale State of the Cloud Survey, companies are turning towards the cloud at ever increasing rates.

The survey reported that 85% of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy. And while private adoption fell five percent compared to 2016, it still represented a high majority with 72%.

Across the board, the survey demonstrated that companies were increasingly comfortable with the cloud, had a good understanding of it, and were able to better optimize it compared to years past.

By adopting the cloud, these businesses are finding ways to cut costs and increase their computing power. Those companies that don’t adopt this new platform are being left behind in the digital dust.


Another huge benefit of the cloud is security. Consider that major cloud services companies have never been breached as far as we know. In a world where malware now has the ability to affect thousands of computers across the world, shut down entire industries and sometimes even hold key infrastructure points, like power generators, for ransom, you can’t put a price on security.

The cloud offers the best option to stay ahead of malware attacks. For instance, the most recent major attacks both abused legacy systems that were old and hadn’t been updated, whereas being connected to the cloud all but ensures that you will be protected by the most up-to-date programs and software.

Disaster Recovery

Speaking of security, disaster recovery is an integral part of cybersecurity for any contemporary firm. Moreover, disaster recovery can not only come in handy in the event of a malware attack but also in case your system is affected by another unforeseen calamity.

For example, if a flood were to wipe out your entire on-site stores of data, having the information backed up won’t do you much good if it is in the same location as your other files.

With the cloud, however, you know that the information is almost guaranteed to never be lost due to the decentralized nature of cloud computing and data storage.

So if your company like so many others in today’s business world relies heavily on data and customer information, then having your data stored on the cloud is your best chance to avoid disaster.

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