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User Acceptance Testing Best Practices

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User Acceptance Testing, or UAT, is an essential part of releasing a successful software application. However, if it's not done correctly, it can delay the release and even cause additional costs. 

We'll discuss some best practices for performing effective UAT. By following these tips, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your users are happy with the final product. 

What is User Acceptance Testing?

So what is UAT testing? User acceptance testing, or UAT, is a critical step in the software development process. It is the final stage of testing before a product is released to end users. 

UAT ensures that the product meets the needs and expectations of the users. It is also a chance for users to provide feedback on the product. 

After the software has been coded and tested by the software developers, it's handed off to QA for further testing. Once all the bugs have been squashed, it's then sent to the users for acceptance. This is where UAT comes in. 

The goal of UAT is to make sure that the software meets the user's needs and expectations. The users will test the software in a real-world environment and report any bugs or issues they find. Once all the kinks have been ironed out, the software is ready for release. 

Why Is UAT Important to Software Development?

The Benefits of User Acceptance Testing are immense. For starters, end user acceptance testing is vital for the simple reason that it plays the role of ultimately verifying that the software meets the requirements set out by the customer and that it is fit for the intended purpose. 

Think about it this way: imagine you're a customer and you've just received the final product from the developer. You open it up, excited to start using it, but you quickly realize that it's not what you expected. The buttons are in the wrong place, the text is blurry, or even worse, the program doesn't work at all.  At that point, the developer has failed to meet your expectations and you will likely be very unhappy. This is where UAT comes in. By verifying that the software meets customer requirements and is fit for purpose, UAT helps to prevent these types of scenarios from happening.

It's important to note that UAT is not a substitute for quality assurance (QA) testing. QA testing is focused on finding errors in the code, while UAT is focused on verifying that the software meets customer requirements. 

UAT should be performed by actual users of the software, rather than developers or QA testers. This helps to ensure that the feedback received during UAT is accurate and relevant.  

Types of User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

The types of User Acceptance Testing can vary from project to project depending o the needs of the users as well as the scale of the project itself. 

Having said that, here are the most common types of UAT? 

Beta Testing

UAT beta testing is when the software is released to a restricted audience outside of the company for evaluation. This is usually done before the software is released to the general public.

If you're looking for early feedback on your product or want to test how it works with a live audience, beta testing is a great option. Just make sure you have a plan for how you'll handle any problems that come up during beta testing.

Alpha Testing

Alpha testing is when software is released to a selected group of people inside and outside of the company. This type of testing is used to get an idea of how the software will work when it's released to a wider audience. Alpha testing is used to find and fix major bugs before user testing begins in earnest. 

Since alpha testing is done with a limited set of users, it's important to make sure that the people doing the testing are representative of your target audience.

Contract Acceptance Testing

Contract acceptance testing is done to ensure that the software meets the requirements specified in the contract.

This type of UAT is typically performed by the customer and is used to verify that the system functions as expected. It can also be used to test new features or changes to the system.

Regulation Acceptance Testing

Regulatory acceptance testing is done to ensure that the software meets all safety and regulatory requirements.

This type of testing is usually carried out by an external organization, such as a certification body, that has been approved by the regulatory body. 

RAT is used to test a product or system against a specific set of requirements, which can be from national or international laws, regulations, or standards. The purpose of this type of testing is to ensure that the product or system can be safely released into the market and does not pose any risks to the public. 

If your product or system needs to meet specific regulatory requirements, then you will need to carry out RAT. This type of testing can be complex and time-consuming, so it's important to work with an organization that has experience in this area.

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a type of functional testing where the user interface is not tested. This means that the tester has no knowledge of how the system works internally and only tests the input and output.

This type of testing is usually used towards the end of the testing phase, and is one of the most thorough. However, it can also be used during the early stages of development to check if the system meets requirements.

Read more about Black Box Testing

Operational Acceptance Testing

Operational Acceptance Testing, or OAT, is one of the final stages of UAT. This type of testing is designed to ensure that the system is working as expected and that all business processes are running smoothly according to requirements.

OAT usually takes place after the system has been implemented and is live in the production environment. Testers will complete a set of test scripts that cover all aspects of the system, from starting up to logging in to using the various features. 

The goal of OAT is to find any last-minute issues that may have been missed during previous testing stages and to ensure that the system is ready for launch.

User Acceptance Testing Best Practices

While User acceptance testing (UAT) is an essential part of the software development process, it can also be one of the most challenging processes. If done correctly, UAT can help ensure that your software meets the needs of your users and provides them with a good user experience. But if not handled properly, it can delay the launch of your software and cause frustration for both users and developers. 

Use these practical best practices to conduct a successful UAT.

UAT Best Practice 1: Identify your audience

The first step in any user acceptance testing process is identifying your audience. Who will be using your product or website? What kind of feedback are you looking for? 

Your audience will determine the scope and parameters of your testing. For example, if you're designing a website for a new client, you'll want to test it on a wide range of devices and browsers. However, if you're making small changes to an existing website, you may only need to test it on a handful of devices. 

Your audience can be narrowed down in a few ways: by demographics (age, gender, location), by behavior (how often they use the product, how they use it), or by need (what they're looking to get out of the product). 

Narrowing your audience down in this way will help you create more targeted tests and ensure that you're getting feedback from the right people. Most importantly, knowing your audience is essential to creating an effective user acceptance testing plan. 

UAT Best Practice 2: Develop a reasonable test plan

When you have a solid plan in place, everyone involved will know their role and responsibilities. The testers on the other hand will have a better idea of what to expect. 

Your test plan should include the following:

  • The objectives of the test
  • The steps involved in the test
  • The schedule for the test
  • The resources required for the test
  • The criteria for success 

UAT Best Practice 3: Create detailed acceptance criteria

Without a smart criteria, you won't be able to tell whether or not the user has actually accepted the product. 

Your acceptance criteria should tick all the boxes of agile user acceptance testing, be specific and measurable. This helps you to clearly establish if the product meets the required standards. For example, your criteria might be that the user is able to complete a task within a certain time frame or that they are able to find a specific piece of information. 

UAT Best Practice 4: Be very clear and specific

One of the most important things to remember when designing your user acceptance tests is to be very clear and specific about what you want the testers to do. Don't leave anything open to interpretation or guesswork, as this will only lead to confusion and frustration on both your part and the tester's. 

Make sure that each test is well-defined and has a specific goal in mind. This will help you to track progress and ensure that you're getting the results that you want. It may also help to create a testing plan or roadmap, which can act as a guide for both you and the tester. 

UAT Best Practice 5: Create strong standards for bug communication

When reporting a bug, it's important to adhere to a strict set of standards. This will make it easier for developers to understand and fix the issue. Include the steps necessary to reproduce it, as well as the expected outcome. Also, be sure to include items such as the browser and operating system that was being used at the time of testing. 

If possible, try to recreate the bug in a test environment. This will help developers troubleshoot the issue and fix it faster. 

When reporting a bug, always include a screenshot or video of the issue. This will help developers see exactly what you're seeing and how to fix it. 

UAT Best Practice 6: Create effective user stories

User stories help to ensure that everyone involved in the process, from testers to stakeholders, understands the specific needs that need to be fulfilled. 

When creating user stories, it's important to keep the following in mind: 

  • The story should be brief and easy to understand
  • The story should be specific and targeted
  • The story should be action-based
  • The story should be written in the present tense
  • The story should focus on the user, not the system 


User Acceptance Testing is an important part of the software development process. By properly implementing UAT, you can ensure that your software meets the user's needs and expectations. 

As you have seen there are a number of best practices you can follow to make sure your UAT process is effective. Follow this user acceptance testing checklist, and you can be sure that your software is ready for release.

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