Data Science Salon ATX

The Data Science Salon ATX, scheduled for February 21, 2024, in Austin, Texas, is a one-day conference focusing on generative AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics in the enterprise. It features over 30 speakers and caters to an audience of 500 in-person attendees and 2,000+ online participants. The event will present a range of use-cases, technical talks, and workshops, offering insights from industry frontliners. Topics include customer satisfaction in B2B using ML, agile data science teams, and explainable AI for natural language processing. Attendees can choose between the in-person experience or a virtual format, both offering opportunities to improve data skills, engage with leading data scientists, and learn about applying AI and machine learning techniques. The sessions are recorded and available on-demand for two weeks post-event.

Start Date:
End Date:
Data Science Salon
Type of Event:
  • On-site
  • Online
United States, Austin
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